Keeping the Earth Healthy

An Overview Of How Dumpster Companies Should Handle Construction Waste To Become LEED Certified To Get More Business

Obtaining the certification for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is something a waste hauling company for construction projects should consider doing to grow their business. The LEED certification means you have a system in place to separate and recycle the construction waste you are picking up and bringing to your facility to avoid sending as much waste as possible to a landfill. This certification is necessary if you are going to position yourself to bid on Green construction projects. A little over 30% of new construction projects in the U.S. are Green-based ones, and this is growing. If you are thinking of adopting Green waste hauling procedures for your dumpster company, here is an overview of what you'll have to do to meet the guidelines to become certified LEED certified so you can bid on more business.

Weigh Dumpsters

Each dumpster should be weighed as it arrives with waste to your facility from a construction project. This will give you the base weight of all the trash you have collected in the dumpster. The weight of the dumpster should be marked down on a sheet of paper.

Separate Contents

The next step will be to separate all the items from the dumpster into different piles. The easiest way to do this is to put each pile into separate smaller dumpsters. You should have a separate dumpster for wood, cardboard, glass, metals, and so on. The reason you should put the materials into separate dumpsters is because you will have to weigh each pile and having it in a smaller dumpster makes the weighing process easier.

Weigh Smaller Dumpsters

You now want to weigh the smaller dumpsters after the material in the big dumpster has been completely separated. You want to mark down on the piece of paper the waste-type in the smaller dumpsters and the weight of the dumpster. If you use more than one small dumpster for a material, just combine the aggregate weight of all the dumpsters with the same type of construction material. The combined weights of all the small dumpsters should then be added up to determine the total amount of waste that is being diverted from a landfill and taken to a recycling center.

Minimum Landfill Diversion Goal

You take the combined weight of all the small dumpsters together and subtract from the base weight of the big dumpster that transported the waste to your facility. The goal is to divert at least 50% of the waste from going into landfills to meet the minimum requirements for a LEED certification. You earn your LEED certification through a point system and the more waste you divert from a landfill the more points you acquire. More points will lead to a higher certification level. The higher your level of certification, the more work you can bid on and the more your company will be appealing to people managing Green construction projects to handle their construction waste. For more information, contact a dumpster rental company like Lakeshore Recycling.
